

**Hey! Jump to the bottom of this page, for all travel itineraries!

Hi, Family.

We are looking forward big-time to celebrating with you this year… and we’re especially psyched to get to share time with you in Colorado. 

We know that each of you is making such an effort to be a part of the Colorado chapter of this extravaganza… and we so, so appreciate that.

We’ll share family-specific items and updates on this page. If you want us to add or share anything here, just let us know! We can make this page our own, add contact info, notes, travel ideas, etc

THE WEEKEND: Note: *** = just-family time

  • [Before Fri June 28, the following families arrive to Denver: Larry; Shana, Yonatan, Shacharya, & Hallel; Mark, Heather, Sophie, & Asher; and Kyle, Claire, Emma, Sloane, & Miller. (See bottom of this page for those itineraries.)]

  • Fri June 28: Denver to Evergreen

    • [8:30am: Southwest 915 - Sarah, Julian, Margot, & Ramón arrive DEN]

    • [12:20pm: Delta 706 - Andrea, Roman, Owen, Patrick, Cecilia, & Tessa and Kelly, Fletcher, & Sydney and Pat & Ginny arrive DEN]

    • During the day, before sundown: Drive from Denver to Evergreen, Colorado. (Approximately 35-minute drive)

    • 3pm or later: check in to Colorado Bear Creek Cabins in Evergreen.

    • ***Evening: Family dinner and/or drinks by the creek. Cake and singing - it’s Tessa’s 5th birthday today!

    • Sundown (~8:45pm): Shabbat begins

  • Saturday June 29: Time together in Evergreen

    • ***Morning: Family breakfast / hang-time by the creek

    • 12:30-2:30pm: Evergreen Lake time for our families, with friends and extended family joining (about 2 miles from the cabins; a 5-minute drive or a 45-minute walk). We’d love to take a jaunt to Evergreen Lake together, where there are SUPs, kayaks, fishing, strolling around the lake, etc. … but / and, you could of course opt to do your own thing, if that’s preferable to you and your kids.

    • 3-5pm: Happy hour at Cactus Jack’s Saloon in Evergreen. This is a come-one come-all gathering, to include friends and extended family. We would love for you to be a part of this too… but / and, you should of course opt to do your own thing, if that’s preferable to you and your kids.

    • ***5:30 or 6pm or so: Family dinner by the creek; evening hanging out at the cabins

    • ***Sundown (~8:45pm): Havdalah ritual, Shabbat ends. We are planning to invite the handful of extended family members who will be in-state. Some of them won’t be available, but if they are, they can join us for dinner and for Havdalah (a brief ritual that concludes Shabbat): 

      David Nancy & Alison - Max’s uncle aunt and cousin

      Fred and Diana - Heather’s parents

      Cheryl and Gracie - our Juneau friends

      Maggie and Damien - Ryan’s cousins

      Kay & Bud - Ryan’s aunt and uncle

      The Longs - Claire’s parents and sibs

  • Sunday June 30: Wedding day

    • ***Morning family coffee time.

    • ***8:30-9:30am: Family photos. Our wedding photographer Sydney will come to Bear Creek Cabins to take family photos. Please plan to wear solid colors, as much as possible. It’ll be warm, so keep it light and comfortable. We (Max and Ryan) will probably wear solid-color button-downs. (We’ll also plan to grab a few family photos in our wedding-wear that afternoon in Denver, but this morning photo shoot will be a chance for us all to take advantage of getting some photos by the creek.) 

    • Check out of Colorado Bear Creek Cabins (11am or earlier)

    • 10am-noon: potluck picnic brunch at Dedisse Park above Evergreen Lake.

    • Midday: drive back to Denver. (Approximately 35-minute drive)

    • Afternoon: several of us are in need of space back in Denver to change clothes, re-charge, etc, before the 3:30pm wedding. We’re working on securing a rented space as close as possible to the wedding site / our house. We’ll cover this rental cost. (Last updated Tues 6/18) 

    • 3:30pm: cocktail hour at Lucile’s Creole Café

    • 4:30pm: wedding ceremony on our shared lawn with Lucile’s

    • 5:30pm to 10pm: dinner and party

    • [11:59pm: Sarah & Julian depart DEN]

For family departure itineraries July 1 & beyond, please see the bottom of the page…


  • We’ve rented Colorado Bear Creek Cabins for 2 nights, Fri night and Sat night. We’re really excited about this: we can all stay together and enjoy time there.

  • There are 8 cabins and 1 house. Each has its own full kitchen, bath, and multiple sleeping options/setups. Each faces the banks of the creek and has a porch, a picnic table, and a grill. Check out the cabins and house here. (Click “CABINS” to look at each cabin. Note: the only lodging that is not part of our rental is the first one listed, the ‘Log Home Cabin’ - that’s an off-site building on a separate property.)

  • CABIN TEMPS: It’s hot during the day in Denver – likely over 90 degrees. The good news is that up in Evergreen it will be cooler – 70s or 80s during the day and 50s at night. The cabins do not have AC – but we’ve arranged with the ownership to have fans in every unit, to get the cool air moving as the nights fall. Let us know if you want to discuss anything about this.

  • “In which cabin am I staying?” Well, we’re glad you asked. Below this note is our rough sketch of the property layout, in case it feels helpful to look at something visual.

    • Cabin 1: Pat & Ginny 

    • Cabin 2: Sarah and Julian; Margot & Ramón in cabin or camping in tent outside, on camping sleeping pads

    • Cabin 3: Kyle and Claire and Emma, Sloane, and Miller

    • Cabin 4: Kyle and Claire and Emma, Sloane, and Miller (cabins 3 and 4 are a duplex, and the family can distribute the little ones as needed, for sleeping)

    • Cabin 5: Max and Ryan

    • Cabin 6: Mark and Heather and Sophie and Asher

    • Cabin 7: Larry 

    • Cabin 8: Shana and Yonatan and Shacharya and Hallel

    • Mountain Home Cabin: Kelly and Fletcher and Sydney; Andrea and Roman; Owen & Patrick on queen sleeper sofa in living room; Cecilia on foam mattress in the house; Tessa on foam mattress in the house

Food, Transportation, etc:

  • FOOD AT THE CABINS IN EVERGREEN: We’re just asking each household to kick in $100 to off-set total food costs… and then we’ll take care of bringing all the stuff on the food spreadsheet. (If you have notes or thoughts on the menu plans, of course please holler.) → → FOOD IN EVERGREEN at CO BEAR CREEK CABINS | Love On Planet Earth 2024

  • Van rental for Evergreen: We’ve rented a 15-passenger van for our Evergreen weekend, for some of us to share. We’ll pick it up Friday June 28, and return it Sunday June 30 before the wedding stuff starts. (Kyle or Julian, we may ask your help with the van pick-up and drop-off.) The people using the van are…:

    • Shana, Yonatan, Shacharya Hallel 

    • Kyle, Claire, Emma Sloane Miller 

    • Larry

    • Sarah, Julian, Margot Ramón

  • $$$: We sent emails on Tues June 18 with amounts to ask you to contribute - for 1 night at the cabins; for groceries; and for vans, if applicable.


Wed June 19:

  • 2:33pm: United 2409 - Larry and Shana, Yonatan, Shacharya, & Hallel arrive DEN

Wed June 26:

  • 9:45am: United 2388 - Mark, Heather, Sophie, & Asher arrive DEN

Thurs June 27:

  • 1:25pm: Kyle, Claire, Emma, Sloane, & Miller arrive DEN

Fri June 28:

  • 8:30am: Southwest 915 - Sarah, Julian, Margot, & Ramón arrive DEN

  • 12:20pm: Delta 706 - Andrea, Roman, Owen, Patrick, Cecilia, & Tessa

  • 1:35pm: Delta 1675 - Kelly, Fletcher, & Sydney and Pat & Ginny arrive DEN

Sunday June 30:

  • 11:59pm: Sarah & Julian depart DEN

Mon July 1:

  • 6:00am: AK Air 643 - Margot & Ramón depart DEN

  • 10:55am: Delta 346 - Andrea, Roman, Owen, Patrick, Cecilia, & Tessa depart DEN

Tues July 2:

  • 9:24am: Delta 957 - Kelly, Fletcher, & Sydney and Pat & Ginny depart DEN

  • 2:53pm: Kyle, Claire, Emma, Sloane, & Miller depart DEN

Sat July 6:

  • 3:40pm: United 1715 - Mark, Heather, Sophie, & Asher depart DEN

Mon July 8:

  • 2:25pm: United 2073 - Larry departs DEN

Tues July 16:

  • Shana, Yonatan, Shacharya, & Hallel depart DEN

Colorado Bear Creek Cabin arrangements - as of Monday June 24: